The Laser Therapy Procedure
During treatment, a dentist, periodontist, or other type of specialist will use a soft tissue laser to remove diseased tissue and bacteria within the pockets along the base of the teeth. The surrounding, healthy tissue will remain unaffected. Before treatment, a local anesthetic will be applied to numb the area.
With the introduction of lasers into dental care, patients can experience more comfortable treatment, a faster recovery, and a reduced risk of infection.
Once the damaged tissue has been removed, a dental instrument known as a scaler will be used to smooth the surface of the dental roots. The doctor may also apply a gel or membrane containing platelets or similar material to promote healthy tissue generation. By reducing the size of the pocket depths, the gums can more securely attach to the base of the teeth and prevent bacteria from reentering. Treatment sessions generally take about two to three hours and can be completed in one office visit. In more complex cases, an additional office visit may be required.