Patients with missing or damaged teeth may consider dental implants as a permanent solution to restore the empty spaces and gaps in their smiles. Although the treatment requires multiple visits and takes more time than other restorative methods, implants are widely recognized as being the finest option to replace teeth. To learn more about the implant procedure and how it can help you achieve a fuller, healthier smile, please contact us to set up your consultation.
Prior to your procedure, your gums, teeth, and overall health will be carefully evaluated to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. The condition of your jawbone will also be examined to ensure that it has sufficient strength to support the titanium posts. Each patient will have a customized plan to address their needs, which may include the extraction of a missing tooth or a bone grafting procedure.
In addition to providing a natural-looking smile, implants will also help promote stronger bone structure and stop the progression of bone atrophy.
Prior to your procedure, you will receive either local or general anesthesia to help make the treatment as painless and comfortable as possible. Many patients are pleasantly surprised by the lack of pain and the overall ease of the procedure. A flap is created in the gingival tissue and a pilot hole is made in your jawbone for the implant to be placed through. The size of the hole will be deep enough to allow space for the titanium post to be properly screwed directly into the jaw and act as a tooth root replacement. Depending on the location of the implant, you may receive a temporary crown while you wait for the post to properly fuse to your jawbone. This initial process of osseointegration usually takes four to five months.
Once the surgical area has completely healed and your implant has fused with your jawbone, you will be ready for the next phase of your treatment. During this surgery, your gums will be re-opened to expose the implant so the abutment can be attached. The abutment, which will attach directly to the titanium post, will act as the connection point of your implant-supported crown, bridge, or denture. Once the procedure is complete, the incisions will be sutured and your gums will be allowed to heal.
Although the timeline for the completion of your dental implant treatment may be a bit longer than alternate tooth replacement methods, the long-term benefits are superior to any other option. In addition to providing a natural-looking smile, implants will also help promote stronger bone structure and stop the progression of bone atrophy. If you have additional questions about the surgical procedure, please contact our office today.
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