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There are many different reasons why you may be experiencing a toothache, along with a wide range of symptoms. Many patients experience sharp, stabbing pain and swelling near the affected tooth, while others see clear signs of infection. In some cases, you may be able to minimize the pain and symptoms through home remedies.

Solutions for Tooth Pain

If the symptoms persist or the pain becomes unbearable, you may need to visit the dentist for treatment. At the Charleston Center for Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry, in Charleston, SC, Dr. John F. Rink, DDS, and his team can examine your tooth and identify the source of the pain to determine which treatment option will be best for you. 

Woman holding her cheek

Causes of a Toothache

A toothache is most commonly a side effect of an infection of the inner tooth pulp, or inflammation of the soft tissue in the center of the tooth. A toothache can often be triggered by cold or sweet foods, or following certain behaviors, such as biting down on something or applying pressure to the tooth.

This inflammation and pain can be the result of various causes, including:

  • Tooth decay and cavities
  • Old and damaged fillings
  • Infected tooth roots
  • Teeth grinding
  • Infected gums

Identifying the Cause of Pain

During your visit to our office, we will conduct a full oral examination and ask questions about the pain, how long you have experienced it, what triggers the pain, and more about your overall general health. We will closely examine your entire mouth, including your teeth, gums, tongue, and throat to help us determine the primary cause. Once the doctor has pinpointed the source of the pain, he will recommend the best plan of treatment. 

Treatment Options

The available treatment options for your toothache will depend on the main cause of pain. If the cause is a cavity or severe decay, Dr. Rink may recommend a filling, crown, or tooth extraction. If the tooth needs to be removed, your doctor will discuss the extraction process, and also explain possible options for tooth replacement, such as a dental implant. However, if your toothache is the result of an infection of the pulp within the interior of your tooth, a root canal may be the best available treatment. Whatever the cause and source of your pain may be, we have the experience and technology to deliver comfort, eliminate pain, and help you achieve a happier and healthier smile. 

John F. Rink DDS, AAACD

A toothache can range from minor irritation to a very sharp, excruciating pain that makes it difficult to talk, eat, or concentrate. At our office, our top priority is to provide you with relief, but it is also important for us to help you achieve improved oral health. At times, a toothache can be the root cause of serious tooth decay or gum disease, so it is important to have your teeth and gums examined.

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